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wooo! TWO more days xD to our first year anniversary together xD
i admit. a lot of arguments kept coming up. that seriously sucks!

i really hope this thursday would be a happy day for both of us.
and i dowan to arguee.
and i dowan to talk about work.
and i dowan talk about anything that could make us both argue.
let this thurday be a happpyy day for both of us.

there's a lot of things to do nowadays.
gems presentation are done. left one more lesson nxt week and thats the end of the gems for this sem.
eh wait. its more like really the LAST GEMS! wheee!
no more gems next semmmm! iii liiikkkeee!
hope to get more of my beauty sleep! hehex!

theenn i hope to really finish my nvst this week.
then next week can study for the test.

thennn now is week 15
i have 3 weeks to study for both NSS and NVST end of sem quiz.
shit i really have no confidence in NSS seh.
i kept failing the quiz. then the mst quiz also i fail. sad-ed sehh

then thenn im left with nss and netp practical.
both can be manageable because its group work.
stupid nvst need to do individual.

then tadii kan. the teachherr arhhh really makes me annoyed seh.
i kept asking her to check my work. then die mcm tk layan gituk.
like wth? then she sebok with some diploma plus thing or what.
annoying kan. then when i call her, she will like ask me wait.
then she done with her stuffs, she went to some else instead. like really zzzzz! -.-

tmr i still need to see her.
finish up the nvst.
mcm nk give up seh really tadi.
mcm nk really break down gituk.
i see all those people like wayne they all, like they die die wana do so well.
mcm i feel so demoralised! and wth am i talking in malay. ala gasak arh! hahax.

i think i speak too much english and end up talking less malay :S
neways kan. smlm i went home with dad. and i took this bus.
ade ni 3 org budak really merepek.
ite students. 2 girls 1 guy.
im not here to hate ite student tau. but as for this 3 students kan. diorg mcm really buat org marah u know!
they sit right at the front of the double deck bus then diorg bebual english, slang die mcm really menyampah seh! and for god sa
ke, they are malay! cant u speak english the way other malay people do?
if diorg were to talk like softly or something, i dont mind tau.
not only they talk loudly, they even on their song like loud and one girl and the guy sang!
im really like wtf? if ur voice sedap tu tkpe arh! zzzz brainless people -.-

i sat there and on my songs damn loud to not hear their voice.
i sat there with a -.- on my face!

neways neways.
i got nothing to say now.
i wanna find softwares for nvst.
yes i should really try my best!
alright :D im doneee heereee!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010 20:00 back to top?
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