wheee i had a blast today!! except the part where my little miss sunshine plushie walked out of my life. it was hanging on my phone yesterday. then it went missing in the morning. urgggh. lol
it was more a cool and wet day today. as in it rained a little in the morning. and i got a kiss from a mosquito =.= irritating! and it kiss me right on my lips. so that somewhat explains the red lipstick in the next few photos.
then did nothing in the morning actually. lol. watched tv; played psp; and wonder around the house =s lol! ohs and bro and sis gave me their present =D
you know what? you know what?? A SHOEEEE!! a silver colored kitten heels! love it =D
ohs and while im here. i took a picture of my shoe boxes with shoes in it =x
thats well not even half of my shoes collection =x lol! there's still a cupboard below to store my shoes =x hahax. im crazzyy about shooesss. =D
anw, then went online a little while and then went to get ready for the swensens treat =D
i was dressed in yellow today =D wheee~ i love that yellow dress xD
then took pictures of me and my nieces and mum and sis before going out.
then went to imm and waited for bro and dad to come after their solat. so we waited and walked around a little. they finally came and we got a seat in SWENSENS =D
and guess who i saw? FAUZI. lol! i asked him to kirim salam to his mum. lol. anw, sat and ordered.
i ordered fish and chips and ring-a-ding-a-ling icecream!. my favourite. i didnt take the picture of my fish and chips because well, i was too hungry =x lol.
i took the picture of my icecream instead =D ohs and i got one free icecream due to my birthday today. its called fire house. fwwweee offf charrrgeee =D
fwee of chargeee firehouse =D
my favourite ring-a-ding-a-ling. -BEFORE-
then when im going off. saw fauzi again. he smiled and waved. i waved and smiled back. lol! weird =s
anw, went around at giant after that. bought a correction tapes "set" which costs 99c =D hahax. went to hug my little-miss-sunshine big plushie. daddy still not buying for me! =x
anw went home. celebrate with a cake just afew hours back. lol. i chose the cake. chocolate truffle from Polar.
my birthdayy cakkeee~
my slice of the cake. it looks nice with the cream in the middle. but guess what?
i guess thats all for now. wait. i want to thank a lot of people for the wishes =D
thanks to my bestt friendss
#1 sherr for the earliest wish. which was one and half hour to midnight. and also the facebook wall-to-wall msg.
#2 liyana. for the sms 2 minutes after midnight.
#3 rohani. for the sms 8 minutes after midnight.
#4 daniel. for the tag of blog 1 hour and 31 minutes after midnight and also the sms. =D
to the other people from facebook/sms
# my soon-to-be-bf. azri. for the sms in the morning while i was charging my phone =D
# dayak for the tag on my blog =D
# cuzzy taufik for the wall to wall in facebook =D
# minli for the sms.
# atiqah for the wall-to-wall in facebook.
# lizzie for the "old old old" in wall-to-wall in facebook and blog. =D
# bama for the chocolates and online gifts in facebook.
# xueli for the wall-to-wall in facebook.
# shafi for the msn wish.
# nandhini for the facebook chat.
# and whoever ive missed =D hahax.
thanks for remebering my birthday. i will try to rmbr urs =D
aite. i will never forget this day.
and most importantly.
thanks to daddy:
for that adv 500 dollars u gave me in adv out of which im left with 100 dollars and less =x
for that carlo rino bag set =D
bro and sis:
that kitten heels =D
my nieces and nephew:
for that irritating and noisi-ness from u guys. lol. and i love my bf md noh amirrul =D lol. my bestest nephew =D
aite =D thats all.see ya!
Labels: 18th birthday to myself =D
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