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you are the reason

its only the second day of the holiday and im missing my darling real bad.
well im having three weeks of holiday while darling starting his client meetings and such. so im pretty sure he's gonna be busy and not gonna be online at nights and such.

im gonna take one step at a time.
im gonna get myself busy with school work. its gonna drive me crazy eventually with studies but as long as i could keep my mind of worrying about darling.

yes im still worried for him.
im sorry darling. i know i shouldnt be.

remember what i told you yesterday?
yes you told me not to worry about other girls because it takes two hands to clap.
but im a girl, i know how girls think.
girls are capable of doing anything they want you know?

well okay i admit, im pampered in the most annoying way sometimes.
but thank god, you accepted me the way i am.

im afraid that sometimes, work is all you ever talk about.
money cant buy happiness sweets. you know that didnt you?

i hope that no matter what, it will never affect our relationship.

one more thing darling;
ive stopped going there.

ever since i know you from there, never it occurs in my mind to go there.
no matter how super dying bored i am, i will never go there.

i found you there and im happy with what i found.
i dont wanna go there looking for any other.

i promise you that i wont be going there anymore right?
yes im keeping my promise till forever.

i love you so much darling.
yes i got a letter from sp to try out the overseas itp.
well you said yourself, "if follow my heart, i dont want you to go"
no i wont be going anywhere syg.
ill be here in singapore.

if you miss me, grab your phone and call my number.
(yes i admit, i miss you too =D)
you know for sure im never too busy to answer your calls and sms.
(well except when im bathing =X)

and i also dont want other girls to be close to you when im not around.
yes i can be super protective when it comes to girls who are super menggatal. =X

darling, i love you and i miss you.
i hate holidays.
i wanna be with your side taking smiley pictures.
and tickle you till you wiggle or hold my hands real bad. hehex.
i miss your touch.
i miss seeing you laugh and smile.

never would it across in mind to break up.
i dont wanna go through another break up.
im happy with the things now.

ya Allah, panjangkanlah perhubungan kita..
sehingga ke akhir hayatku.

you showed me something that I couldn't see
you opened my eyes and you make me believe

you lift my feet off the ground, you spin me around
you make me crazier,crazier
feels like im falling and i'm lost in your eyes,
you make me crazier, crazier crazier

Tuesday, June 9, 2009 19:19 back to top?
Layout coded by Nicole.
Icons from thefadingnight and touchthevelvetsk-y, Colors from ColorLovers